All citizens to be moved into new housing before cold weather – Olzhas Bektenov on floods consequences elimination


During the joint session of the Chambers of Parliament, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Olzhas Bektenov commented on the progress of reconstruction work to eliminate the consequences of large-scale floods, Phoenix 24 reports.

Head of the Government emphasised that the floods caused very serious damage to thousands of citizens, as well as to infrastructure, economy and the country as a whole.

More than 120 thousand people have been evacuated from their homes. 67,570 of them have already returned to their homes. At the same time, 3,952 people remain in evacuation centres as of this morning. A total of 12 thousand residential houses and 26 thousand dacha plots were flooded. 98 houses remain under water.

“A lot of work is being done to provide assistance. Responding to the call of the Head of State, big business has provided serious support, budgetary resources are also involved. As of today, 33,141 families have received compensation in the amount of 100 monthly instalments. Over 12 billion tenge has been allocated from the budget for this purpose,” Olzhas Bektenov said.

According to him, 17,982 affected houses have been inspected, and 15,685 houses have been assessed. About half of the houses require repair and restoration. Compensation for these purposes has already been received by 5,823 families. A total of 38.6 billion tenge has been allocated for this purpose.

More than 8,000 houses have been recognised as emergency. There are 2 options of compensation for them:

1. purchase of flats or houses on the secondary market;

2. construction of houses.

“We proceed strictly from the wishes of the affected citizens, in accordance with the President’s instruction. As of today, 3155 families have already received new housing. Active construction of 2049 houses in various regions is underway. In general, 251 billion tenge has been allocated for the restoration and construction of housing,” Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan emphasised.

Along with this, engineering, road and social infrastructure has suffered. In particular, over 2.3 thousand power supply towers were destroyed, 54 km of lines were broken. To date, 40% has been restored, work in the summer months will actively continue.

Motor traffic was interrupted on 290 sections of republican and local roads. As of today, traffic on all sections has been restored, except for one in Atyrau region. Traffic will be reopened there when the water recedes.

In addition, 39 educational facilities were flooded. Of these, 18 require current repairs, 11 require major repairs, 9 educational facilities are completely unsuitable for further use and will be built anew. One education facility is still being surveyed.

“According to the order of the President, before the onset of cold weather all citizens will be settled in new housing, and all infrastructure facilities will be restored,” Olzhas Bektenov concluded.

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